Childbirth lawyer represents the family of a baby who died at a hospital maternity unit
You can speak to childbirth lawyer Oliver Thorne by calling our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0436. Alternatively you can send an email to him at [email protected]
Oliver Thorne, a specialist childbirth lawyer, has represented the family of Freddie Barnett at an inquest into the baby’s death at a Devon hospital.
The baby’s mother was originally told by the hospital that the baby was in a normal position, but when she returned to hospital after her waters broke it was discovered that Freddie was in fact in the breech position. Mothers generally choose to have a caesarean section in these situations, but the birth went ahead with a vaginal delivery. Unfortunately, Freddie died shortly after his birth.
The inquest heard evidence from the hospital staff involved in the birth, as well as expert witnesses. The coroner concluded that if the breech position had been identified earlier then Freddie could have been safely delivered by caesarean section.
The incident has attracted widespread media attention, with reports being carried by the BBC and national newspapers such as the Daily Mail.
Childbirth lawyer Oliver is highly experienced in dealing with maternity negligence cases and has previously assisted the BBC with investigations into the standard of NHS maternity services:
Oliver is able to work on on a no win, no fee basis and provides a free case assessment service.