Making a C-section claim on a No Win, No Fee basis.

In emergency situations a C-section may be performed to safely deliver a baby. A caesarean section is a procedure in which a baby is delivered through an incision in the lower abdomen. Approximately 1 in 4 births result in a c-section, and in most cases, the mother remains awake with the use of a spinal block injection to numb the body from the waist down for pain control. In some cases, a C-section can be performed under general anaesthesia.

Medical complications can occur during a C-section. These include excessive bleeding requiring a blood transfusion, internal injuries such as a perforated bladder or bowel, and nerve damage. Additionally, a delay in performing a C-section could lead to further complications for the baby, such as oxygen deprivation leading to cerebral palsy, and the baby’s head becoming stuck in the birth canal under excessive pressure, resulting in a brain injury.

There is also a risk of post-surgery infection, which can be life-threatening if treatment is delayed. In addition, the mother may also experience severe pain around the wound, pain or swelling in the lower legs, pus or discharge from the wound, and severe vaginal bleeding as post-surgery complications.

It is essential that healthcare staff are experienced and able to identify the early signs of any of the above complications to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and medical errors can result in potentially life-changing injuries.

If you feel you may have grounds for making a C-section claim then our expert team is here to provide free initial guidance. Our clinical negligence lawyers handle caesarean section negligence claims across the country and work on a No Win, No Fee basis. Caroline Webber-Brown specialises in childbirth and gynaecological negligence and has been recommended by the independent publication, the Legal 500. Caroline works alongside Oliver Thorne who is an AvMA panel member. You can therefore be confident that your legal case is in safe hands when you appoint us to deal with your claim.

If you or your baby have been injured during a caesarean birth, contact us about making a C-section claim by calling our free helpline on 0333 888 0436 or emailing details of your case to us at [email protected].

C-section claim