Making a wrongful birth claim

To make a wrongful birth claim on a no win, no fee basis or to request a free case review simply call us on 0333 888 0436 or send an email to us at [email protected]

What is a wrongful birth?

Lawyers use the term “wrongful birth” to describe a number of situations.

For instance a “wrongful birth” can occur when a child is born with an abnormality which should have been identified and where the parents would have chosen to terminate the pregnancy had they known it was likely. Mothers undergo screening during the course of their pregnancy in order to detect whether the baby has an abnormality. When abnormalities are found the parents are informed and a decision is then made about continuing with the pregnancy. However, errors do occasionally occur when tests are not carried out or results are misinterpreted and this can result in a wrongful birth.

Wrongful birth claims can also arise where the  baby is perfectly healthy, but has been born to a mother who has undergone sterilisation or has been fitted with a contraceptive implant which has failed to prevent pregnancy due to a medical error.

Claiming compensation for a wrongful birth

The financial consequences of these mistakes resulting in a wrongful birth can be devastating. When it can be shown that the medical professionals were at fault, compensation can be claimed for the financial losses that arise.

We deal with wrongful birth claims on a no win, no fee basis, so you do not need to let worries about legal costs put you off seeking justice.

You can speak to one of our expert lawyers today about making a wrongful birth claim completely free of charge and without obligation by calling our dedicated legal helpline on 0333 888 0436 or emailing us at [email protected]


Wrongful Birth Claims